
Northwoods church Mega sports camp vbs 2024

important registration information below!

Mega Sports Camp “Blaze a Trail”

June 10th -14th from 6 - 8:30 PM at Northwoods Church!

We’ll invite kids to live an adventure with Jesus! When someone blazes a trail, they step off the path into the unknown. Along the way, they leave marks for others to follow. Kids will learn that Jesus blazed the trail for our salvation! As they follow Jesus, they can live their own adventure that points people to Jesus!

Kids will hear engaging Bible stories, learn about Christian athletes with inspiring testimonies, sing lively worship music, and participate in a sport or activity that helps build their faith, character and skills in a loving, positive environment!

  • For children who have completed Kindergarten - completed 5th Grade as of May 2024

  • A light meal will be provided at our Half-Time Huddle each night.

  • T-shirt, water bottle, and light meals are included in a $10 per-child registration fee.

    Basketball: fundamental skills; individual and team drills, friendly team scrimmage (indoor class - tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt best)

    Soccer: fundamental skills; individual and team drills, friendly team scrimmage (outdoor class - tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt best; bring shin guards)

    Volleyball: fundamental skills; individual and team drills, friendly team scrimmage (indoor class - tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt best)

    Music Theatre: sing fun and lively children’s music, read from a play script and do some simple, fun choreography moves (indoor class)

    Art: basic drawing skills & techniques in an encouraging environment (indoor class)

    Camping Survival Skills: learn helpful outdoor skills to build confidence in being in nature (outdoor class - tennis shoes, jeans, t-shirt best)

    Kids will participate in one sport or skill group (called a huddle group) all week at MEGA Sports Camp. On the registration form, please choose in order of preference their top three choices. They will be assigned to one group based on availability. Some sports or skills may fill more quickly than others, and once a group is full, we will not be able to accept any more children into that huddle group.

    Registration is complete and your child’s spot reserved when the $10 registration fee for each child registered has been paid. (Fee includes shirt, water bottle, light meals and supplies for the week. Soccer players - bring shin guards if possible.)

    We can’t wait to have a fun week at MEGA Sports Camp “Blaze a Trail” VBS with your family!